Tuesday, December 22, 2009

This Time, It’s Personal

I’ve spent the last few months acquiring numerous new-to-me X-books from the 1990s. Most of these are from around 1996-1998, which covers everything from Joe Casey’s Cable to forgotten cash-grabs like the Beast miniseries. My new goal for the site is to spend one month on the X-books, then alternate it with a month dedicated to another series or franchise (the most recent reviews should give you an idea of what’s ahead). There is a staggering amount of mid-90s X-material I’ve never read, or didn’t even know existed, so I shouldn’t run out of material for a while. For better or worse, spending two years reviewing the ‘90s X-family left me with a desire to properly finish the job, so that’s my plan for the foreseeable future. And even if I finish all of this material, I still haven’t read most of the Wolverine serials in Marvel Comics Presents, or the various mutant guest appearances from throughout the ‘90s. But you guys wouldn’t want me to go that far, would you?


  1. Hey, is Joe Kelly's Deadpool on your list? That title was much better than most of what Marvel was putting out back then. Robinson and Casey on Cable was pretty good too.

  2. Loving all of it (though I skipped the TMNT stuff...).

  3. If you think you're missing anything, go to:


    It's indexes for characters, titles, and creators.

  4. Yay!

    Incidentally, the picture you used for this post is possibly my all-time favorite piece of single artwork ever to come out of the 90's X-office.

    (Well, either this or that picture of Psylocke you called attention to in this review...)

  5. Hope we get to see the Road Trip issues of X-force...

  6. But you guys wouldn’t want me to go that far, would you?

    Oh, I think we do... :)

  7. This sounds great! Fill in the gaps and let's see what you find!

  8. You mean they didn't just stop publishing X-Factor and X-Force?! You lied to us!

    Or just left out information you didn't have...

    Sorry I've not commented on any other post, but I literally got up to date today. I spent ages reading this blog from the first post, at work. You made the days fly past!

  9. This is FANTASTIC news! I started my own X-books reading project a year and half ago, beginning with my Marvel Masterworks collections of the original X-Men run, and going straight through all of the X-Men books and spin-offs through the 70s and 80s. I stumbled onto your blog this summer, while I was at about 1987 or 1988, and I could not WAIT to get to the 90s books so I could read your thoughts as I was reading each book myself! I'm currently deep into the Age of Apocalypse, and I LOVE having your reviews to read immediately after I finish each issue.

    So carry on! And know that even if I don't post much, I'm really enjoying everything.

  10. Please review anything and everything mutant, except Power Pack!

    I've loved your blog since I stumbled upon it when you were covering Onslaught (or maybe when I was researching Onslaught, but you were further along and I played catch up). Your criticism and analysis is much deeper than I think I am capable of (despite having an MA in Literature), since I absolutely ate up most of the X-office's '90s Mutant Machine and didn't really let that hold break until about 1999/2000, and only a little at a time by that point. I still love Nicieza and Lobdell's (and most others') writing of the X-Men too much to look at these comics as critically as you. I don't know if I'd still be reading comics after a few years on both TMNTA and G.I.Joe if not for the X-titles.

    I've also enjoyed your TMNT Adventures coverage since that's the first comic I read fairly consistently as my mother bought them for me from KB Toys to get me to read. I have most of my original copies with the torn parts of the cover where I removed the price stickers. It's like we were reading the same comics at the same time, though I think you started on Uncanny X-Men a few years before me and I went from TMNTA starting about 1989-1990 to G.I. Joe beginning around 1991 and to Amazing Spider-Man and then most of Marvel around 1992, my first intentionally bought X-Men comic being issue 14 (as I recall), part of X-Cutioner's Song (which I read the TPB almost yearly).

    Keep blogging and I and the rest of your frequent readers will keep following your adventures.

  11. The first MCP Wolverine storyline with Clairmont and Buscema is pure gold, so go for it.
