Monday, August 26, 2024

The Surprising Inspiration for Wolverine's Most Controversial Makeover


Marvel's plans to return Wolverine to his bestial roots backfired with fans. But most don't know the origin of Wolverine's makeover. I revisit the Scooberine era this week at CBR.

Friday, August 16, 2024

The OTHER G. I. Joe Relaunch Influenced by the Classic '80s Cartoon


Years before Robert Kirkman's Skybound relaunch, another imprint brought animated influences into G. I. Joe's comic continuity. I continue my look at the Devil's Due Joe days this week at CBR. 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Justice League Unlimited's Perfect Goodbye to Batman (and Beyond)


The DCAU Batman received two perfect farewells in the 2000s...even though he never stays gone for long. I revisit the final Batman Adventures and what could've been the Justice League Unlimited finale this week at CBR.

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