Batman writer Sam Hamm presented a more comedic approach to the Fantastic Four, but his quippy Dr. Doom might've gone too far. I review this week at CBR...
It's Chromium Time.
Batman writer Sam Hamm presented a more comedic approach to the Fantastic Four, but his quippy Dr. Doom might've gone too far. I review this week at CBR...
Jim Lee's WildStorm imprint offered an updated prequel to the classic Robotech anime...but has the story been forgotten? I revisit this week at CBR.
The waning issues of a Masters of the Universe relaunch presented an intriguing take on the pasts of Evil-Lyn, Skeletor, and more. I revisit this week at CBR.
Chris Claremont's pitch for an X-Men film had some surprising choices...and far more Kitty Pryde than Wolverine. I explore his 1982 proposal this week at CBR.
A never-produced Batman: The Animated Series episode would've answered a lingering riddle. What is it? I'm guessing the answer is in my CBR article this week.
A newlywed Spider-Man and MJ faced sins of the past...and pushed a few of the era's boundaries. I revisit all this and the return of Sal Buscema and Peter David this week at CBR.
What happened when Top Cow crossed its flagship property over with its adaptation of a classic anime? I look back this week at CBR.
It’s 1980, and the world’s greatest pulp artist just might be a murderer.
What isn’t for free, but still available at a very reasonable price, is the latest edition of the crime fiction anthology Crimeucopia, entitled Hey! Don't Read That! Read This! I have a short story entitled “Previous Times” featured in this issue. You can purchase the issue at this link.
P.S. I would greatly appreciate your feedback, so please feel free to leave a review. I’m told it appeases the almighty Amazon algorithm. Also, if you have a reader in your life, I’d also appreciate you forwarding the link to all of these freebies. The deal expires in a few days, so act accordingly.
This week at my Substack...A short story inspired by mainstream America’s 2000s infatuation with the once tawdry world of comic books—and the rumors surrounding the original comic book art market. Could’ve been more scandalous, given the stories about mobsters laundering their money via original Batman pages, but who am I to invite trouble?
The animated Scarecrow's best and worst appearances were foreshadowed in one 1987 comic book. At CBR, I revisit two Batman: The Animated Series episodes and a story from Mike Barr and Alan Davis that share some surprising similarities.
It's a new year, but I'm still up to my old nonsense. As the '80s revival fad cooled, a new He-Man title attempted to excite readers. I revisit the launch of 2004's Masters of the Universe ongoing series this week at CBR.
G.I. Joe villain the Baroness was nearly introduced to the masses with a noticeably different look. This week at CBR, I revisit the history of G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, a plastic surgery storyline that didn't make any obvious sense, and Hasbro's early attempts to translate the Baroness from the page to the toy aisle.
Stan Lee had faith one of his lesser-known heroes could become a box office star. But '80s Hollywood wasn't ready for Ant-Man. I review the screenplay at CBR this week.
Batman: The Animated Interviews provides an insanely thorough collection of material on the beloved show, revealing many secrets. If you're not a Hasbro fan now, wait until you learn why Batman Beyond was cancelled. I discuss this week at CBR.
A new, female villain for Superman had a celeb voice actor and a lot of Harley Quinn's spark, but didn't quite connect. I revisit this week at CBR.
Another comics-accurate Batman series could've predated Batman: The Animated Series, with J. Michael Straczynski at the helm. I look at the history of the project, and the nixed series bible this week at CBR.
Following Spider-Man and MJ's honeymoon, the couple experienced a shocking trauma, while Kraven enjoyed his ultimate victory. I look back at a true classic this week at CBR.
After facing controversy, WildStorm's ThunderCats title returned to its animated roots, with some dicey results. I revisit this week at CBR.